How to add the channel to Telegram's search ranking?
Hello, this is a guide on how to search and be listed in Telegram's search.
Due to the recent changes in Telegram's new search algorithm, it is no longer possible to rank by adding fake members as before.
(Read here)
The ranking method has been modified, so you must use a new method.
1. First, Create your channel in the same country you want to be searched for (with the same country number).
2. Choose Choose a name and username that you want (maximum of 4 words).
3. Add a suitable profile
4. Send at least one post on the channel
5. Now The main operation has arrived. You must add premium members to the channel.The following address is where you can purchase a premium membership. The required number of premium members depends on your keywords and competitors in the search.
6. Add some robot member - 1 to 2 ka is enough)
7. Now Your work is finished. Now you have to wait for about 3 to 10 days (note: this time is determined by Telegram).
If you have any questions, contact us in telegram : @supimo